Meet the Team

The purring expert and head cuddle officer. With a heart as fluffy as her fur, Lisa loves nothing more than snuggling up to her colleagues. Her day revolves around finding the perfect nap spot, kneading the coziest blankets, and gifting the gentlest headbutts as tokens of her affection.

Meet Graham, the pint-sized rabbit with a big attitude. With ears that twitch at the slightest annoyance and a perpetual scowl, Graham has perfected the art of disapproval. From the way you arrange his carrots to the exact temperature of his water, nothing escapes his critical eye.

Meet Fern Fluff, the shy yet surprisingly assertive bunny who has mastered the art of being adorably elusive. Despite her timid nature, Fern Fluff has an undeniable craving for attention and affection. She is the quintessential wallflower, always observing from the sidelines, assessing the scene with her keen, watchful eyes.
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